Text of Welcome Remark by the Center’s Program Officer, Tamara Berepubo, on the occasion of the 2023 International Anti-Corruption Day event 2023 for Youth Corps Members on the 7th of December, 2023

Good morning distinguished Ladies and gentlemen and our beloved corps members.

I am honored to welcome you all to this significant event organized by the Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day.

Today, we come together under the theme “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption.”

Two decades ago, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) was established with a vision to create a world free from corruption. 

Since the institution of this convention, there have been several commitments to strengthen the fight against corruption. As we reflect on the progress made and the challenges that lie ahead, it is inspiring to see the energy and commitment of the National Youth Service Corps members gathered here.

This day serves as a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to combat corruption, a societal ill that undermines development and access to justice. Today’s event is not just a commemoration; it is a call to action, a call to stand united against corruption, and a commitment to fostering transparency, accountability and integrity in all aspects of our lives.

The youth, being the catalysts of change, play a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of our nation. Your presence here today reflects your dedication to the principles of honesty, accountability and transparency. As we engage in discussions, debate, quiz and other activities throughout this event, let us seize this opportunity to deepen our understanding of the corrosive effects of corruption and explore avenues to foster a culture of integrity.

Together, let us strive to create a society where the values of transparency and accountability are ingrained in our actions and choices. When we actively participate in the fight against corruption, we contribute to building a future where our nation thrives on the principles of fairness, equality and prosperity for all.

I thank each and every one of you for joining us today. Let our collective efforts today pave the way for a more transparent and accountable tomorrow.

Thank you and welcome once again.

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