Press Release: Transparency & Integrity Index: CeFTIW Set to Present 2022 Assessment Handbook

Pursuant to one of its core mandates of reporting comprehensive, unambiguous and timely information on government revenue and expenditure so as to promote accountability, the Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch (CeFTIW) is set to present its 2022 Transparency & Integrity Index Assessment Handbook to stakeholders.

The handbook, a product of scientific research is yet another demonstration of the Center’s commitment to promoting and entrenching best practices in the nation’s public service sector, through insistence on conformity with extant laws on information sharing and access.

The Centre’s TII, first launched in 2021 was intended to instill a culture of transparency by monitoring public sector expenditures while also strengthening public institutions’ integrity mechanisms to promote good governance.

Hence, the Handbook that spells out TII methodology would consolidate our advocacy on public service openness and transparency, especially regarding public information sharing and accessibility. This methodology handbook would provide a detailed explanation of the variables and the scoring criteria for the evaluation and assessment of openness and transparency of public institutions.

The 2022 assessment for Federal MDAs and other government institutions will be conducted around six (6) thematic areas: i. Website Integrity ii. Fiscal Transparency iii. Open Procurement iv. Anti-Corruption v. Citizens Engagement / Responsiveness vi. Human Resources and Inclusion.

The presentation scheduled for 31st of March, 2022 is expected to assemble stakeholders from MDAs, National Assembly, Media and Civil Society. The Center considers these stakeholders as critical implementation partners whose cooperation are useful in our effort to foster public sector accountability and ensure a transparent governance system.

      Umar Yakubu

     Executive Director

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