ACFE Lagos Chapter Lauds Center’s Effort in the Fight Against Crimes, Seeks Collaboration

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Lagos chapter has lauded the contributions of the Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch (CeFTIW) in the fight against crimes and corruption in the country. This was as the body sought collaboration with the Center to effectively tackle the endemic nature of crimes and corruption in the country.

Speaking while on a courtesy call at the Center’s office in Abuja, the president of the Association, Donatus Ogbonnaya said that digitization has made crime more prevalent, and therefore requires joint efforts of stakeholders to adequately stem occurrences.

To tackle crimes and corruption, Ogbonnaya called on stakeholders to continuously invest in the right knowledge in order to match the sophistications of crime actors who are now organized and spread across the globe.

Given the Center’s interest and works in the fight against corruption, the president said that the visit was to also seek the support of the Center in promoting campaigns against fraud and corruptions in all its dimensions.

While decrying the lack of coordination and isolated efforts in the fight against corruption, the Association’s Secretary, Dr. Pius Edobor urged stakeholders to collaborate more, share knowledge and expertise if the country must make progress in the fight against the monster (corruption) that threatens societal growth and development.

In his response, the Executive Director of the Center, Umar Yakubu welcomed and pledged to work with the Association in the fight against crimes and corruption. He said that the Center’s rich data and knowledge will be made available in all genuine effort to counter organized crime.

While adding that most of the Center’s projects align with the works of the Association, the ED looks forward to working with the ACFE in the fight against fraud and corruption.

The visit was marked by a presentation of award of recognition to the Executive Director of the Center on his accomplishments and contribution to the fight against corruption in Nigeria

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has a global mission to reduce the incidence of fraud and white-collar crime and to assist the membership in fraud detection and deterrence.

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